Legal Counsel

The firm provides general counsel representation to all manner of associations, including condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners’ associations, currently representing clients ranging from small 8-unit beach condos to massive 5000 lot HOAs.

Regardless of the size of your community, we are here to help and our philosophy is the same – our job is to help the Board of Directors understand its legal obligations under the governing documents, Florida Statutes and local ordinances and to fulfil its fiduciary duty to the corporation. This regularly includes providing opinion letters regarding the interpretation and application of the association’s documents or applicable laws.

We also focus on providing clients with proactive policies and procedures to help ensure the timely and consistent performance of basic association functions such as collections and violations, and to set up best practices governing record inspections, communications and board meeting participation.

Attorneys for Legal Counsel and Professional Opinion

We also regularly review vendor contracts and provide revisions and addendums to same, ensuring that the association’s interests are protected and vendors are held accountable to perform as promised.


Greenberg Nikoloff P.A.

1964 Bayshore Blvd. Suite A
Dunedin, FL 34698